21 Jan
28 Jan 2021

CHEMSEX 2021: Situación actual, problemática y abordaje

  • Infectious Diseases
  • Spanish
  • Online





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ChemSex is a practice characterised by the intentional use of certain drugs for the purpose of having sex over a long period of time between gay men, bisexual men, other men who have sex with men (MSM) and, more recently, people of other sexual identities.

That is why this programme aims to raise awareness of the current situation, presenting the new forms of consumption and the resources currently available to professionals. Expert speakers will present how work is being done in both the epidemiological and psychological fields, and attention will be paid to this practice and its consequences during COVID-19.

The programme has been prepared to take place on two different afternoons, 21 January and 28 January 2021. It will be streamed live and accessible afterwards in webinar format on the FLS-Science website.



  • Pep Coll

    Clinical Cohorts Coordinator

    BCN Checkpoint, Barcelona, Spain. Fundació Lluita Contra les Infeccions i IrsiCaixa, Badalona, Spain.



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