16 Oct
18 Oct 2017

Jornadas sobre el VPH 2017

  • Infectious Diseases
  • On-site
  • Spanish
  • Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau, Barcelona



Activity finished



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Infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) places individuals at greatly increased risk of developing anal squamous cell cancer associated with persistent infection with high-risk (HR) human papillomavirus (HPV).

Screening and treatment paradigms are both well established for the uterine cervix and female genital tract, but this is not the case for either the anus or oropharynx.

Worldwide, there are very few clinicians with expertise in HRA, analogous to cervical colposcopy, the technique used to both diagnose and facilitate ablation of dysplastic tissue. The city of Barcelona has a high concentration of these skilled HRA clinicians, in addition to world class HPV epidemiology researchers.

With increasing rates of both these cancers, this program offers a unique opportunity for professionals to learn in depth about anal and oropharyngeal HPV, the latest cutting-edge research in HPV science, oncology and vaccinology, combined with a practical training in anal cytology, clinical assessment of the anus and perianus, condyloma treatment techniques, digital anorectal examination, HRA, and minimally invasive ablation techniques for HSIL.


  • Adrià Curran

    Specialist physician

    Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron, Barcelona, Spain.


  • The theoretical and practical sessions of the “Conference on HPV (Human Papiloma virus) 2018” have been accredited by the Comissió de Formació Continuada del Sistema Nacional de Salut and the Consell Català de la Formació Continuada de les Professions Sanitàries (CCFCPS) with 2,4 credits and registered under the number 09/020130-MD.
  • The plenary session of the “Jornades sobre el VPH (Virus del Papiloma Humano) 2018” has been accredited by the Comissió de Formació Continuada del Sistema Nacional de Salut and the Consell Català de la Formació Continuada dels Professions Sanitàries (CCFCPS) with 0,9 credits and registered with the number 09/020135-MD.



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