Ole Kirk

Ole Kirk has been an ID consultant since 2011 and works at Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark, sharing his time between an ID in-patient ward and a HIV out-patient ward. He is also an adjunct professor in infectious diseases at University of Southern Denmark.

Since 1997, Ole has been engaged in HIV medicine and European research activities, in particular in management of the EuroSIDA Study, but also in other large cohort collaborations such as the DAD Study and COHERE. Since 2006, he has coordinated the TB-HIV Studies including 62 sites in Latin America, Western Europe and Eastern Europe.

Ole has published approximately 200 articles, mainly within research areas such HIV epidemiology, uptake of and response to ART across Europe as well as toxicity to ART, often with a perspective of regional differences across Europe. Another research priority has been HIV and opportunistic infections. In recent years he has been focusing on special clinical issues for PLWH in Eastern Europe, and in particular tuberculosis.

Ole is present chair of the OI panel of EACS Guidelines Committee and has over the last 15 years been actively involved in teaching activities for HIV clinicians, with special focus on colleagues in Eastern Europe. This includes organizing local HIV seminars, participating in WHO mentoring programmes for Ukrainian clinicians and running monthly videoconferences for HIV clinicians in Georgia and Ukraine.

In Denmark, Ole has been organizing and leading post-graduate courses of HIV infection and HIV care for Danish ID clinicians since 2013, and he is present chair of the Danish Society of Infectious Diseases.


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