Jordi Matías-Guiu

Department of Neurology, Institute of Neurosciences, Hospital Clinico San Carlos. Madrid, Spain.

Dr. Matias-Guiu obtained his MD (2008) and PhD (2013) from the University Complutense of Madrid. He completed his internship in Neurology at the Hospital Clinico San Carlos (2009-2013). He conducted his PhD in functional neuroimaging in neurodegenerative disorders. He obtained the Extraordinary Award from the University Complutense and the Doctorate Award from the Spanish Royal National Academy of Medicine. He leads the Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology Unit from the Department of Neurology of the Hospital Clinico San Carlos since 2013. He has been recognized as Distinguished Faculty Member of the University of Miami (Center for Cognitive Neurosciences and Aging).

Dr. Matias-Guiu has authored more than 175 papers. This research has received more than 3000 citations (H-index 35). His research has been focused in cognitive disorders, especially on the development and validation for cognitive assessment, neuroimaging findings, and non-invasive brain stimulation. In the last few years, Dr Matias-Guiu has studied cognitive dysfunction and fatigue of post-COVID syndrome, their neuroimaging correlates and their improvement using brain stimulation.

Dr Matias-Guiu is the Coordinator of the Neuroimaging Group of the Spanish Society of Neurology since 2019, and a Member of the Neuroimaging Panel of the European Academy of Neurology. He is Associate Editor of Neurologia, BMC Neurology, Journal of Alzheimer’s disease, and Neurology Perspectives.

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