Daria Hazuda

Daria Hazuda, Ph.D., trained as a biochemist at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, N.Y.  After completing her postdoctoral research fellowship in the department of Immunology at Smith Kline, she joined the antiviral group as a Senior Research Biochemist at Merck in 1989.  Daria is currently Vice President of Infectious Disease and Vaccines at Merck Research Labs and Chief Scientific Officer of MRL Cambridge.  Daria has over 20 years of experience in drug discovery and development with more than one hundred-eighty publications focused primarily on antiviral research in the fields of HIV and HCV.  She led the research efforts that identified the first-in class HIV integrase inhibitor Isentress which was awarded the Prix Galien in 2008 and was responsible for pioneering work on HCV drug resistance enabling the discovery of agents with improved spectrum and efficacy including the NS5A inhibitor Elbasvir and the NS3 inhibitor Grazoprevir.  Daria has been recognized with the Bernie Field Lecture Award, the David Barry DART Achievement Award for HIV Drug Development and is a Fellow of the American Society of Microbiology.

Daria is on the editorial board of the ACS Journal on Anti-infectives Research and the Journal of Viral Eradication. She is currently on the Scientific Program Advisory Council of the American Foundation for Aids Research (AMFAR) and The Forum for HCV Collaborative Research and a past member of NIH Aids Research Advisory Committee (ARAC) and the NCI Basic Sciences Board of Scientific Counselors (2010-2015).

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