Cristina Muniesa

  • Bachelor of Medicine from the University of Barcelona (Promotion 1994-2000).
  • Specialty in Medical and Surgical Dermatology and Venereology (July 2001-2005). Bellvitge University Hospital.
  • Doctoral Thesis on Cutaneous Lymphoma: “Epidemiology and prognostic factors in primary cutaneous lymphomas” (May 2014).
  • Associate Professor at the University of Barcelona. Faculty of Medicine. Bellvitge Campus. Department of Clinical Sciences. Dermatology Subject.
  • Coordinator of the Spanish Group of Cutaneous Lymphoma of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV).
  • Assistant Physician in the Dermatology Department at Viladecans Hospital. Monographic agenda on Cutaneous Lymphoma in the Cutaneous Lymphoma Unit of Bellvitge University Hospital.
  • Participation in the Committee and consultations of the Functional Unit of Lymphomas. Duran y Reynals Hospital. ICO.
  • Research collaborator in the Cancer Research Group. Hematopoietic Tumors of IDIBELL.
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