Alberto Alvarez-Larrán

Degree in Medicine and Surgery: University of Santiago de Compostela, 1995.
– Degree of Doctor in Medicine from the University of Barcelona, obtained in April 2008
2008 with the qualification of outstanding cum laude after defending the thesis
entitled: “Role of leukocyte and platelet activation in thrombosis in myeloproliferative syndromes”.
chronic myeloproliferative syndromes”.
– Title of Specialist in Haematology and Haemotherapy: Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (2000).
Barcelona (2000).
Professional activity
– Assistant doctor at the Haematology Department of the Hospital de Mar from May 2005 until
2005 to September 2017.
– Assistant doctor at the Haematology Department of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
since September 2017.
– Associate Professor at the University of Barcelona since 2020.
Scientific activity
– PI of competitively funded research projects (number): 4
– Publications in medical journals (number): 133. H Index: 31
– Communications at international congresses (number): >50
– Communications in national congresses (number): >100
– Papers in scientific society congresses (number): 12
– Book chapters with ISBN (number): 15
– Director of doctoral theses (number): 3
– Coordinator of the Spanish Registry of Polycythaemia Vera and of the Spanish Registry of
Essential Thrombocythemia Registry promoted by the Spanish Group for Myeloproliferative
Philadelphia Negative Myeloproliferative Diseases (GEMFIN).

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