24 Oct 2024

Hot Topics in HIV – Vaccines, immune recovery and eradication 2024

  • HIV
  • On-site
  • English
  • HUB Social - Fundació Bofill






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The conference is addressed to researchers and physicians specialized in HIV.


After 40 years of research on HIV infection, it is clear that while preventative measures have significantly reduced transmission rates, they have not been sufficient to completely stop the epidemic. Thus, the focus is also on cure strategies, which aim to either eradicate the virus or achieve long-term remission without ongoing treatment.

This yearly conference focuses on the latest in HIV research and treatment, uniting experts and young investigators to discuss key topics such as reservoir seeding, persistent viremia, industry strategies for an HIV cure, and innovative therapies. Participants will explore cutting-edge research on vaccines, combination therapies, immunotherapies, and the future direction of HIV treatment.


  • Bonaventura Clotet

    President of the Fight Infections Foundation and Director of the IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Institute

    Fundació Lluita contra les Infeccions, Badalona, Spain. Institut d'Investigació del Sida IrsiCaixa i Institut Català de la Salut, Badalona, Spain.

  • Javier Martínez – Picado

    Researcher and professor

    ICREA, Irsicaixa AIDS Research Institute, Barcelona, Spain

Faculty Members

  • Nicolas Chomont

    Associate research professor

    Université de Montréal, Canada.

  • Francesco Simonetti

    Assistant Professor of Medicine

    Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA.

  • Lucy Dorrell

    Professor of Immunology

    University of Oxford, UK.

  • Beatriz Mothe

    MD, PhD

    Fight Infections Foundation, Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol, IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Institute, Badalona, Spain.

  • Thomas Aagaard Rasmussen

    Associate Professor

    Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark.

  • Lishomwa Ndhlovu

    Professor of Immunology in Medicine

    Weill Cornell Medicine, USA.



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