22 Oct 2020

Hot topics in HIV: Vaccines, Immune Recovery and Eradication 2020

  • HIV
  • Online
  • English
  • Online



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This international conference on Hot topics in HIV – Vaccines, immune recovery and eradication responds to the need of providing an update on HIV, where prominent experts present the latest updates on how and when current and new drugs can be used; reactivation of reservoirs; immunotherapies; and genetic and cellular therapies.

HIV infection remains a major public health threat worldwide. Around 38 million people are living with HIV and only 21.7 million were accessing antiretroviral treatment in 2017.

The yearly conference on Hot topics in HIV – Vaccines, immune recovery and eradication responds to the need of providing an update on these issues, which have a direct impact on the current treatment strategies: importance of early diagnosis, suitability of the early start of treatment, identification of patients newly infected with higher likelihood of benefiting from curative treatments.


  • Bonaventura Clotet

    President of the Fight Infections Foundation and Director of the IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Institute

    Fundació Lluita contra les Infeccions, Badalona, Spain. Institut d'Investigació del Sida IrsiCaixa i Institut Català de la Salut, Badalona, Spain.

  • Javier Martínez – Picado

    Researcher and professor

    ICREA, Irsicaixa AIDS Research Institute, Barcelona, Spain


The activity has been accredited by the Comisión de Formación Continuada del Sistema
Nacional de Salud and by the Consell Català de la Formació Continuada de les Professions
Sanitàries with 0,6 credits and registered with number 09/028263-MD.



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