SCHISTO-STOP Study Unveils Promising Results in Tackling Schistosomiasis

The SCHISTO-STOP study, aimed at implementing a screening strategy for schistosomiasis in immigrant populations at epidemiological risk, reveals promising preliminary results. Schistosomiasis is one of the most common helminthic infections worldwide, with serious health implications. In Catalonia, it is estimated that over 17,000 individuals are infected, yet only a small fraction have been diagnosed. Despite the existing treatment, Praziquantel, being safe and effective with cure rates exceeding 90%, many cases go unnoticed. Collaborative efforts between researchers and teams at ScienHub Research Support have enabled the study to be concluded on time, yielding promising results that could influence global strategies to enhance the quality of life for this vulnerable population group.

The success of the PAX study: An example of coordination and efficiency in clinical research

The PAX study consisted of a phase 2 clinical trial, randomized and double-blind, which prevented both the participant and the researcher from knowing which treatment the participant was receiving. This study has been one of the examples in which, thanks to the teamwork between the different departments of ScienHub Research Support and the good coordination of all parties involved, we have been able to meet the established deadlines and ensure good traceability of all data obtained.

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